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Currently Searching Auction # 747 | The January 2023 Auction: Part 4
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Currently Viewing: 96 > The Dogwood Cellar Bid Paddle My Bids

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The January 2023 Auction: Part 4

Lot Location

Orange County, California
Hong Kong, JAS Forwarding
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Red Bordeaux
Dry White Bordeaux
Sweet White Bordeaux
Red Burgundy
White Burgundy
Red California
White California
Red Rhône
White Rhône
Red Italy
White Italy
Red Spain
White Spain
All Sparkling Wines
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Country & Appellation

Professional Rating


Bottle Size

Half Bottle
Double Magnum




1er Grand Cru Classé (A)
1er Grand Cru Classé (B)
Cru Bourgeois
Cru Classé de Graves
Grosse Lage
Premier Cru
1er Cru Classé
2eme Cru Classé
3eme Cru Classé
4eme Cru Classé
5eme Cru Classé
Grand Cru Classé
Grand Cru



A California Classicist’s Cellar
Ron and Carrie’s Lifelong Cellar
The Abacus Cellar
The Admiralty Cellar
The Aiserey Cellar
The Alton Cellar
The Alzette Cellar
The Amande Cellar
The Amapola Cellar
The Aneth Cellar
The Appareil Cellar
The Aquamarine Cellar
The Arctique Cellar
The Armature Cellar
The Artefact Cellar
The Astrolabe Cellar
The Autruche Cellar
The Azalea Cellar
The Bande Cellar
The Bannière Cellar
The Beltway Blue Chips Cellar
The Besançon Cellar
The Blue Chip Cellar
The Bonhomme Cellar: Selections From The Extraordinary Collection of Irv Wnuck
The Brentwood Heights Cellar
The Brochet Cellar
The Caille Cellar
The Calabrais Cellar
The Calamondin Cellar
The California Cult Connoisseur’s Cellar
The Camion Cellar
The Canyon Cellar
The Casier Cellar
The Cavalier Cellar
The Cerfeuil Cellar
The Chacal Cellar
The Chambellan Cellar
The Champignon Cellar
The Chapelle Cellar
The Chartreuse Cellar
The Ciliegia Cellar
The Cirrus Cellar
The Claquement Cellar
The Colombe Cellar
The Commerçant Cellar
The Companion Cellar
The Condor Cellar
The Conifère Cellar
The Constitution Cellar
The Corbeau Cellar
The Cordouan Cellar
The Cornemuse Cellar
The Corse Cellar
The Cosse Cellar
The Couloir Cellar
The Couteau Cellar
The Crisantemo Cellar
The Crustacé Cellar
The Cymbal Cellar
The Dais Cellar
The Dana Point Cellar
The Déesse Cellar
The Diplomat’s Cellar
The Dnieper Cellar
The Dogwood Cellar
The Edelweiss Cellar
The Embarcadère Cellar
The Embrayage Cellar
The Encens Cellar
The Entente Cellar
The Estremoz Cellar
The Fava Cellar
The Festin Cellar
The Firenze Cellar
The Fontaine Cellar
The Foxy Cellar
The Gaeltacht Cellar
The Gant Cellar
The Geyser Cellar
The Gnou Cellar
The Granja del Norte Cellar
The Hanseaten Cellar
The Hareng Cellar
The Hennepin Cellar
The Hobereaux Cellar
The Hodia Cellar
The Homard Cellar
The Home State Cellar
The Idyllwild Cellar
The Impala Cellar
The Jaguar Cellar
The Jalapeño Cellar
The Juchoir Cellar
The Kostbar Cellar
The L’Écorce Cellar
The La Palma Cellar
The Laine Cellar
The Lance Cellar
The Léviathan Cellar
The Loup de Mer Cellar
The Loutre Cellar
The Lyre Cellar
The Macareux Cellar
The Maltais Cellar
The Masonry Cellar
The Méribel Cellar
The Merlu Cellar
The Mérou Cellar
The Midwest Gentleman’s Century Cellar
The Minuit Cellar
The Mistral Cellar
The Mode Cellar
The Monte Vista Cellar
The Moreno Cellar
The Multitude Cellar
The Netsuke Cellar
The Normande Cellar
The Olympic Cellar
The Palais Cellar
The Papavero Cellar
The Patate Cellar
The Paumelle Cellar
The PCH Cellar
The Peignoir Cellar
The Phénix Cellar
The Plumeau Cellar
The Poire Cellar
The Portique Cellar
The Portrait Cellar
The Portuaire Cellar
The Prestataire Cellar
The Prévue Cellar
The Quinoa Cellar
The Requin Cellar
The Riz Cellar
The Rocheux Cellar
The Rutherford Cellar
The Santa Clarita Cellar
The Saône Cellar
The Savoir Vivre Cellar
The Sichuan Cellar
The Solano Cellar
The Sortie Cellar
The Sourire Cellar
The Sycamore Cellar
The Tarte Celllar
The Teinte Cellar
The Tonique Cellar
The Tortue Cellar
The Tourbillon Cellar
The Tournevis Cellar
The Transverse Ranges Cellar
The Trapèze Cellar
The Trèfle Cellar
The Treillis Cellar
The Valley Cellar
The Venatio Regia Cellar
The Vétérinaire Cellar
The Virage Cellar
The Wisteria Cellar
The Worldrider Cellar
The Yekaterina Cellar
The Zèbre Cellar
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